PicklePod Ep 47: Pickleball's Uncomfortable Questions w/ PPA Commissioner Connor Pardoe
PPA Tour Commissioner Connor Pardoe joins the PicklePod to clarify the current paddle testing situation. He shares his vision for the future of the tour and addresses current pain points. One big change coming this spring is gambling on pickleball which is expected to debut in May. Tune in for an inside look at one of pickleball’s most influential personalities.

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Show Notes:
0:00 PPA Tour growth in the past two years
5:35 The whole CRBN picture and paddle testing
10:46 Explaining paddle delamination
19:02 The Ben Johns tweet
25:05 Players talking PEDs and establishing a Player Handbook
31:50 Pickleball learning from Padel
33:27 When is gambling going to enter pickleball?
43:26 Line call automation is coming…eventually
47:10 Zane may have changed the review system
49:37 Rally scoring makes the game easier
55:47 Is the MLP merger still moving forward
56:58 Shaping the future of the PPA Tour
1:00:00 When does the pro tour split away from amateur events
1:05:15 The backdraw has its own purpose
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