The Dink Pickleball

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Born to Rally: Pickleball Jewelry for a Stunning Gift

by The Dink Media Team on

The creativity within the pickleball community is unlike that of any other sport, and is perhaps best displayed in companies like Born to Rally.

The jeweler, Kristina Tamas, developed a line of quality pickleball jewelry and accessories for those who love the sport and prefer to give their business to artisan companies who create their wares in the USA.

Kristina has been designing, creating, and selling jewelry for over 15 years and turned her passion for pickleball into some truly stunning work.

“Born to Rally was developed to enhance the pickleball lifestyle on and off the court because it's so much more than a game," she says.

Born to Rally offers necklaces, earrings, keychains, bracelets, and more for all genders.

Kristina says she understands that pickleball is more than just a game, it's a community; which is why her company gives back to the sport by supporting local and national pickleball organizations.

"We just sponsored a local pickleball tournament to help raise money and awareness for cancer survivors to help them with their daily living expenses and emergency needs. Not only was it great for the Non-Profit, but it helped bring awareness to the sport of pickleball, specifically highlighting the extremely low barrier of entry but also how people from all ages and backgrounds can all come together to have fun."

Born to Rally's pickleball jewelry

Celebrate your love for the game with Born to Rally pickleball necklaces, which come in a variety of styles and colors. The above design is a particularly-unique way to express admiration for the game!

This elegant and high-quality bracelet features a small, durable pickleball charm that complements the silver finish of the stainless steel bracelet.

Check out Born to Rally's catalog of pickleball-themed charms, earrings, keychains, bracelets, necklaces and more here.

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The Dink Media Team

The Dink Media Team

The team behind The Dink, pickleball's original multi-channel media company, now publishing daily for over 1 million avid pickleballers.

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