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AirFeet Relief – “It Feels As If You’re Walking On Air… Because, Well, You Are”

by The Dink Media Team on

AirFeet Relief


review by Thomas, in partnership with AirFeet

After five days on my feet in Atlanta shooting content and pickling, I thought I’d be sidelined for a few days. Nope. I spent both Monday and Tuesday on the court feeling better than ever.

I’ll admit that when I first inserted the AirFeet Reliefs, they felt strange. You can feel the air pockets beneath your feet, which causes a shifting sensation. But once I got used to it – man – it really does feel as if you’re walking on air…because, well, you are.

What’s more, my usual knee-swelling was nonexistent and I my lower back remained in check all weekend. It’s a nice change of pace for someone with a torn ACL and a slipped disc, eh?

Through common sense thinking we created a DYNAMIC product that could be placed right into the shoe on top of and complimenting the existing insert/orthotic. The Dynamic Active motion under the foot stimulates the foot muscles increasing circulation while targeting multiple ailments. It’s like walking on Air! – AirFeet

You can snag your AirFeet Relief here.

paddle prattle: prat-tle noun: foolish or inconsequential talk

Selkirk Invikta Vanguard Hybrid – Electrify Series

review by Thomas, in partnership with Selkirk

If you watched any of the action this weekend, you probably noticed a few players sporting some sharp new Selkirk paddles, and that’s because Selkirk recently released its new line of eye-catching colors, the Electrify Series.


Weight: 7.7 – 8.2oz
Handle Length: 5.25in
Height: 16.5in
Width: 7.375in
Thickness: 16mm

Quad Carbon Face

Translation: more control

X5 Honeycomb Thick Poly Core

Translation: improved touch and greater feel


This was the easiest review I’ve written because this paddle is on another level, as with all Selkirk paddles. They’re regarded as the premium paddle in pickleball for a reason.

The Invikta Vanguard has incredible touch and consistency, but that’s no surprise. My ability to drop my thirds right where I want them is unmatched. With the longer, narrower face (relative to an S2 or Epic for example) allows for more reach and a bit more power. That said, if you’re seeking to step up your power noticeably I’d look to Selkirk’s power models, which aren’t as thick.

There is one factor that stands above the rest, and that’s my ability to block and reset with this paddle. When you get into those 4.5-5+ games, blocks and resets are your lifeline. They are crucial to neutralizing the point when you’re on your heels, out of position or in a defensive hold. A well-executed reset allows you and your partner to get back on offense and put yourself in the best position to win the point.

If you aren’t sold by all the above praise, maybe just take a look at those sharp colors. At the very least, you’ll have the coolest paddle on the court!

You can find the paddle, in addition to the entire Electrify Series, on Fromuth Pickleball’s website here

The Dink Media Team

The Dink Media Team

The team behind The Dink, pickleball's original multi-channel media company, now publishing daily for over 1 million avid pickleballers.

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