by Pickleball Legend Steve Dawson
Today I want to share my Backhand Pickleball Serve. I get asked daily about this serve.
While it takes a bit of coordination, it’s an easy and effective shot to add to your arsenal as it gives your receiver a different look and spin than a traditional serve.

The most common mistake with the Backhand Pickleball Serve is swinging without an upward movement, which is an illegal serve motion. Also allowing the ball to drop so that your strike point is below your waist.
Here’s a quick video that I put together to demonstrate a Backhand Pickleball Serve.
Give this a serve a try during your next match and notice how low the ball remains while also providing a unique spin.
PS: With drop-serve rules, the backhand pickleball serve can be done with the same motion, but your left hand drops the ball criss-crossed over the right hitting hand.
However, I don’t recommend this shot as the beauty of the Backhand Pickleball Serve is catching your opponent off-guard and the drop-serve delays the time between the ball leaving your hand and impact with the paddle…
I hope you’ve enjoyed and found some value in this series so far. It’s been a really enjoyable experience to engage with so many of you online and through email. Your replies, kind words and stories from your pickleball communities across the country have been great motivation.
Today, I want to directly mention my thoroughly designed Pickleball Master Course, which you’ve likely heard about already. It includes 23 comprehensive modules filled with 52 videos featuring lessons, amazing drills, pro-tips, common mistakes and so much more.
*Pickleball Hall-of-Famer Steve Dawson is the owner and creator of the famed Pickleball Master Course. Of course, we’ve secured 10% off for The Dink readers just in time for the holidays. Give the gift of better pickleball. Click here and use the code THEDINK for 10% off.

The lessons, drills and strategies are demonstrated by four professional players with a combined 42 Major Championships amongst us. It is the exact blueprint I’ve used to win multiple world championships and US Opens.
Click here and use the code THEDINK for 10% off.